JG's Patch John Gilpin's home airfield and flying life. This is where I live. This is near the small town of Kilcoy, Queensland, NW of Brisbane. To zoom in on my hangar click the link https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1y6WA1j_h5icm-vCmIaLaiJg6xm7Hbcd0&ll=-26.969267412874792%2C152.56799510773556&z=20 Then zoom out and you'll see the idyllic surroundings we fly over. It's unusual in Australia to have much water around at all, but we are right next to this reservoir. It's part of the drinking water supply for the city of Brisbane, so we are protected from subdivision closing around us. I built my hangar here in 1993 and have flown 3000hrs from it since. Great flying country for ultralights and sport aircraft. Several airfields within 50nm and lots of flying activity back and forth. Excellent climate, shirt sleeves most of the year. Uncomfortably hot and humid for three months in summer, and maybe a frost ...